SQ Attorneys, Criminal Defense
10740 Meridian Ave N #207, Seattle, WA 98133
montgomery, AL 00000
SQ Attorneys intricately understand the nuts and bolts of the Washington State DUI Laws
Washington State notoriously inflicts extremely tough penalties on people charged with Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs (DUI/DWI), Physical Control, or Minors Driving While Impaired. Legislative changes in 2004-2008 have caused the penalties for these crimes to get even tougher; the penalties are considered some of the toughest in the nation. The Seattle DUI attorneys that make up the criminal defense team of SQ Attorneys intricately understand the nuts and bolts of these new Washington State DUI Laws and the devastating effect a DUI/ DWI conviction can have on an individual’s personal and professional life. The SQ Attorneys team is well versed on Washington State DUI law, and this helps in its quest to do everything it can to ensure its clients get the best outcome possible.
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