Omnipotech, IT Support, Managed IT Services, Cyber Security, VoIP, Cloud
1513 S Beverly Dr, Amarillo, TX 79106
montgomery, AL 00000
Your Profession Should Integrate into Your Lifestyle, Not the Other Way Around
Are you the next OMNIPOTECH ? We are first and foremost a service business who happens to exist in the IT industry – we are not an IT company that just happens to also perform customer service. The OMNIPOTECH culture recognizes that our clients must be operational, and therefore, we work until it works. We want life-long team members who value a career integrated with their lifestyle that can adapt to a life with commitments other than making a paycheck. We agree that making money is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t the only thing. Jobs are what you do when you work only for money. Jobs are transient and we don’t hire people who need jobs. If you are committed to the Golden Rule and are fueled by curiosity, learning, growth, and personal commitment to the best outcome for everyone for the long-term, then send us your resume.
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